RunfrommyD's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: None
Prices last updated: a minute ago
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $289,842
Camel Plushie $63,018
Lion Plushie $51,991
Panda Plushie $47,000
Monkey Plushie $31,767
Red Fox Plushie $29,509
Nessie Plushie $28,066
Jaguar Plushie $12,752
Wolverine Plushie $6,505
Stingray Plushie $6,230
Chamois Plushie $4,945
Teddy Bear Plushie $607
Kitten Plushie $602
Sheep Plushie $598
Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $289,842
Peony $51,243
Tribulus Omanense $50,090
African Violet $48,963
Cherry Blossom $43,987
Heather $32,094
Ceibo Flower $25,368
Orchid $15,367
Banana Orchid $7,549
Crocus $5,504
White Lily $4,458
Dahlia $1,669
Edelweiss $1,531
Bunch of Black Roses $511
Single Red Rose $298
Dozen Roses $283
Funeral Wreath $272
Daffodil $188
Bunch of Carnations $165
Bunch of Flowers $163

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