GreekMousakas's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: 3 hours ago
Prices last updated: 46 minutes ago
Image Item Name Buy Price
Camel Plushie $80,000
Lion Plushie $60,000
Panda Plushie $55,000
Monkey Plushie $35,000
Red Fox Plushie $30,000
Nessie Plushie $30,000
Jaguar Plushie $10,000
Chamois Plushie $5,000
Stingray Plushie $5,000
Wolverine Plushie $5,000
Kitten Plushie $500
Teddy Bear Plushie $500
Sheep Plushie $500

Image Item Name Buy Price
Tribulus Omanense $65,000
Peony $55,000
African Violet $55,000
Cherry Blossom $45,000
Heather $35,000
Ceibo Flower $30,000
Orchid $18,000
Banana Orchid $10,000
White Lily $8,000
Crocus $5,000
Dahlia $1,000
Edelweiss $1,000

Image Item Name Buy Price
Xanax $820,000
Ecstasy $40,000
LSD $30,000
Opium $25,000
PCP $10,000
Speed $8,500
Cannabis $5,000
Ketamine $5,000
Shrooms $5,000
Vicodin $800

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