Here's a list of all services that Torn players provide.
There are two filters: by rating and by service name. You can check multiple services. Clicking checkbox by the category
selects all the services in that category.
You can click on the service name or select checkbox next to it if you want to search multiple services at once.
Search and Reset buttons are found at the bottom of the page.
Do you have a business of your own and want to advertise too? Join Torn Exchange and start making your own service list now.
Mercenary hit (Per)
9/10 Hosp Merits
MS Paint Graphics
Lifetime free lap dance membership
Profile Sigs, PFP, Forum Sigs. Check my profile
Based on complexity. Message me to discuss your requirements :)
Advertisment (per hour)
no fixed price dm me for a quote
no fixed price dm me for a quote
(Bad) banners and (bad) avatars
Odd jobs
Know what you mug
1M or 1xan
3.25m partial/3.75m full
Bounty slots
9/10 Hosp Merits
Service: View anonymous bounties
Category: Company specials
Asking Price: $5,500,000
Price in items:
Service: Company productivity boost
Category: Company specials
Asking Price: $31,000,000
Price in items: