Here's a list of all services that Torn players provide.
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You can click on the service name or select checkbox next to it if you want to search multiple services at once.
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Lifetime free lap dance membership
Advertisment (per hour)
Bulk Item Sourcing. Discuss Price.
Data gathering: Can do custom data gathering and analysis requests, price depends on scale, starts at 100m.
Museum Exchanges
Basadien s trade list
Odd jobs
Bounty slots
Viewing stats
I look to provide an item specified by you, to you on a regular basis at an agreed price. This service is most useful to collectors as it saves them time manualy hunting out the best prices. For further details message me and we can discuss your needs and if I am able to help.
Professional gambler will give 90% of profits (price is optional)
Price is negotiable based on the service. Anything that you need, I’ll do or find you someone to do it, the latter being free of charge