PhantomNoKira's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Prices last updated: 39 minutes ago
Image Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $348,809
Camel Plushie $78,136
Lion Plushie $59,800
Panda Plushie $55,322
Monkey Plushie $35,324
Red Fox Plushie $32,577
Nessie Plushie $32,292
Jaguar Plushie $14,116
Chamois Plushie $7,571
Stingray Plushie $6,793
Wolverine Plushie $6,607
Kitten Plushie $734
Teddy Bear Plushie $730
Sheep Plushie $721

Image Item Name Buy Price
Tribulus Omanense $64,992
Peony $57,736
African Violet $54,804
Cherry Blossom $46,509
Heather $37,124
Ceibo Flower $30,748
Orchid $20,455
Banana Orchid $10,147
White Lily $8,714
Crocus $6,255
Dahlia $1,954
Edelweiss $1,880
Bunch of Black Roses $353
Dozen Roses $238
Funeral Wreath $210
Bunch of Flowers $196
Daffodil $177
Single Red Rose $175
Bunch of Carnations $156

Image Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $5,754,549
Xanax $800,500
LSD $36,515
Ecstasy $34,982
Opium $28,052
PCP $13,885
Speed $9,180
Cannabis $5,960
Shrooms $5,852
Ketamine $5,831
Vicodin $1,035

Energy Drinks
Image Item Name Buy Price
Can of Taurine Elite $3,311,557
Can of X-MASS $3,291,487
Can of Red Cow $1,875,343
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,848,318
Can of Munster $1,387,687
Can of Santa Shooters $1,362,708
Can of Crocozade $873,701
Can of Damp Valley $580,380
Can of Goose Juice $290,989

Image Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $1,215,999
Bottle of Green Stout $997,672
Bottle of Moonshine $819,121
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $221,131
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $211,361
Bottle of Wicked Witch $122,617
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $116,044
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $115,861
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $51,929
Bottle of Kandy Kane $48,941
Bottle of Champagne $2,886
Bottle of Sake $2,139
Bottle of Tequila $731
Bottle of Beer $578

Image Item Name Buy Price
Neumune Tablet $760,579
Ipecac Syrup $46,478
Blood Bag : Irradiated $37,814
Blood Bag : O- $19,485
Blood Bag : B- $19,350
Blood Bag : A- $17,448
Blood Bag : AB+ $15,871
Blood Bag : A+ $15,364
Blood Bag : O+ $15,347
Blood Bag : B+ $15,010
Empty Blood Bag $14,883
Morphine $11,700
First Aid Kit $7,572
Small First Aid Kit $3,702

Image Item Name Buy Price
Serotonin $1,255,167
Epinephrine $865,827
Tyrosine $561,296
Melatonin $290,676
Glitter Bomb $145,493
Smoke Grenade $79,467
Tear Gas $50,488
Throwing Knife $28,722
Flash Grenade $17,471
HEG $14,551
Snowball $14,534
Trout $14,333
Stick Grenade $12,448
Claymore Mine $11,786
Grenade $6,757
Pepper Spray $1,361
Ninja Star $840
Wrench $817
Fireworks $578
Brick $491

Image Item Name Buy Price
Birthday Cupcake $1,880,363
Bag of Humbugs $351,529
Chocolate Egg $273,050
Bag of Sherbet $232,121
Jawbreaker $223,790
Pixie Sticks $223,642
Pink Easter Egg $81,771
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $68,223
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $68,223
Orange Easter Egg $64,020
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $39,565
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $35,885
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $24,078
Bag of Candy Kisses $23,284
Box of Extra Strong Mints $592
Lollipop $588
Box of Chocolate Bars $581
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $571
Box of Sweet Hearts $570
Box of Bon Bons $570
Bag of Bon Bons $568

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