Visedwings049's Trading List

Welcome to Visedwings049's price list. Click Start Trade now to start a trade.
Last trade made by this trader: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Prices last updated: 28 minutes ago
Item Name Buy Price
Camel Plushie $71,778
Lion Plushie $59,629
Panda Plushie $53,463
Monkey Plushie $36,236
Red Fox Plushie $33,478
Nessie Plushie $32,022
Jaguar Plushie $14,548
Wolverine Plushie $7,503
Stingray Plushie $7,097
Chamois Plushie $5,641
Teddy Bear Plushie $690
Kitten Plushie $682
Sheep Plushie $681
Item Name Buy Price
LSD $32,790
Ecstasy $31,109
Opium $29,580
PCP $13,481
Speed $9,884
Cannabis $5,919
Shrooms $5,265
Ketamine $5,102
Vicodin $1,010
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of Goose Juice $286,502
Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $129,587
Bottle of Wicked Witch $122,695
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $121,229
Bottle of Kandy Kane $55,359
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $55,216
Bottle of Champagne $2,850
Bottle of Sake $1,808
Bottle of Tequila $889
Bottle of Beer $573
Item Name Buy Price
Ipecac Syrup $49,069
Blood Bag : AB- $27,333
Blood Bag : O- $20,394
Blood Bag : B- $19,469
Blood Bag : Irradiated $19,238
Blood Bag : AB+ $19,142
Blood Bag : O+ $15,713
Blood Bag : B+ $15,224
Blood Bag : A- $15,128
Blood Bag : A+ $14,680
Empty Blood Bag $14,347
Morphine $10,199
First Aid Kit $7,154
Small First Aid Kit $3,541
Item Name Buy Price
Party Popper $124,018
Smoke Grenade $76,838
Tear Gas $48,828
Molotov Cocktail $38,671
Throwing Knife $27,923
Flash Grenade $16,505
Trout $14,356
HEG $14,355
Stick Grenade $10,920
Claymore Mine $10,748
Snowball $9,799
Grenade $6,078
Pepper Spray $1,262
Ninja Star $887
Wrench $612
Fireworks $544
Brick $480
Item Name Buy Price
Pink Easter Egg $80,085
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $78,858
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $76,704
Orange Easter Egg $62,700
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $41,928
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $41,107
Bag of Candy Kisses $29,298
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $28,739
Lollipop $573
Box of Extra Strong Mints $563
Box of Sweet Hearts $561
Box of Bon Bons $560
Box of Chocolate Bars $556
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $555
Bag of Bon Bons $554
Item Name Buy Price
Birthday Wrapping Paper $557
Christmas Wrapping Paper $488
Generic Wrapping Paper $358
Item Name Buy Price
High-Speed Drive $288,876
Advanced Driving Manual $170,682
Mountain Bike $170,366
Megaphone $133,529
Flashlight $132,354
Wireless Dongle $130,426
Tracking Device $116,684
Chloroform $101,772
Fanny Pack $100,709
Tumble Dryer $93,353
Glasses $37,999
Cut-Throat Razor $26,174
Item Name Buy Price
Blowtorch $610,337
Blank Tokens $67,807
Bank Statement $62,405
Glow Stick $36,717
Medical Bill $29,033
Crushed Enamel $21,224
Inkwell $17,928
PVC Cards $16,983
Bleach $15,456
Lye $11,295
Insurance Policy $10,510
Candle $7,734
Brass Ingot $7,237
Aluminum Plate $7,068
Paper Towels $5,239
Bond Paper $761
Adhesive Plastic $740
Cardstock $718
Toner $694
Glue $689
Gasoline $656
Rope $610
Blank DVDs $555
Spray Paint : Orange $524
Spray Paint : Black $512
Spray Paint : Green $492
Spray Paint : Pink $478
Spray Paint : White $471
Spray Paint : Red $467
Spray Paint : Blue $465
Spray Paint : Purple $457
Fruitcake $438
Item Name Buy Price
M249 SAW $633,846
9mm Uzi $559,833
Tavor TAR-21 $335,794
Enfield SA-80 $191,918
Steyr AUG $71,105
SIG 550 $52,155
Mag 7 $47,289
M16 A2 Rifle $33,988
Heckler & Koch SL8 $32,895
Benelli M4 Super $19,683
M4A1 Colt Carbine $11,199
AK74U $9,891
Bushmaster Carbon 15 $9,506
AK-47 $9,136
XM8 Rifle $7,682
Ithaca 37 $6,768
MP 40 $6,569
Vektor CR-21 $6,385
P90 $5,690
SKS Carbine $4,777
MP5 Navy $3,583
Benelli M1 Tactical $2,898
Sawed-Off Shotgun $1,263
Thompson $600
Item Name Buy Price
Harpoon $189,014
S&W M29 $95,000
Qsz-92 $66,295
BT MP9 $52,469
Cobra Derringer $51,206
Desert Eagle $33,653
Blunderbuss $13,851
Magnum $13,355
Fiveseven $6,217
Taser $3,278
Blowgun $1,900
USP $1,658
S&W Revolver $1,459
Beretta M9 $989
Springfield 1911 $711
Crossbow $695
Ruger 57 $436
MP5k $424
Taurus $405
TMP $385
Luger $369
Raven MP25 $284
Skorpion $255
Lorcin 380 $168
Glock 17 $161
Flare Gun $158
Slingshot $60
Item Name Buy Price
Metal Nunchaku $349,001
Guandao $143,610
Kodachi $80,742
Macana $78,850
Wushu Double Axes $76,681
Claymore Sword $70,405
Samurai Sword $50,298
Diamond Icicle $42,827
Rusty Sword $41,346
Kama $37,282
Twin Tiger Hooks $33,781
Ice Pick $13,882
Katana $12,353
Bone Saw $11,697
Chainsaw $10,196
Cricket Bat $9,329
Scimitar $4,987
Ninja Claws $4,784
Bo Staff $4,736
Wooden Nunchaku $4,398
Chain Whip $2,896
Axe $2,193
Swiss Army Knife $1,663
Golf Club $1,443
Dagger $1,322
Sai $1,171
Butterfly Knife $943
Kitchen Knife $883
Pillow $706
Leather Bullwhip $522
Pen Knife $484
Pair of Ice Skates $410
Knuckle Dusters $393
Spear $319
Frying Pan $282
Pair of High Heels $258
Baseball Bat $142
Crowbar $104
Plastic Sword $74
Lead Pipe $57
Hammer $28
Fine Chisel $20
Item Name Buy Price
WWII Helmet $67,992
Full Body Armor $56,800
Safety Boots $52,164
Bulletproof Vest $28,944
Construction Helmet $9,699
Police Vest $6,785
Flak Jacket $4,137
Hiking Boots $4,065
Chain Mail $2,901
Leather Vest $961
Leather Pants $821
Leather Helmet $674
Leather Boots $580
Leather Gloves $285

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