Zoharra's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: 1 week, 3 days ago
Prices last updated: 32 minutes ago
Image Item Name Buy Price
Monkey Plushie $30,000
Red Fox Plushie $30,000
Nessie Plushie $30,000
Jaguar Plushie $14,000
Stingray Plushie $6,500
Wolverine Plushie $6,500
Chamois Plushie $7,500
Kitten Plushie $700
Teddy Bear Plushie $700
Sheep Plushie $700

Image Item Name Buy Price
Cherry Blossom $30,992
Heather $23,313
Ceibo Flower $18,611
Orchid $11,563
Banana Orchid $5,628
White Lily $4,017
Crocus $3,679
Dahlia $1,097
Edelweiss $953
Bunch of Black Roses $250
Single Red Rose $222
Dozen Roses $188
Funeral Wreath $169
Daffodil $158
Bunch of Carnations $134
Bunch of Flowers $122

Energy Drinks
Image Item Name Buy Price
Can of X-MASS $3,000,000
Can of Taurine Elite $3,000,000
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,450,000
Can of Red Cow $1,450,000
Can of Santa Shooters $1,250,000
Can of Munster $1,250,000
Can of Crocozade $750,000
Can of Damp Valley $470,000
Can of Goose Juice $250,000

Image Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Green Stout $899,999
Bottle of Moonshine $750,000
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $200,000
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $200,000
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $100,000
Bottle of Wicked Witch $100,000
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $100,000
Bottle of Kandy Kane $45,000
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $45,000
Bottle of Champagne $2,900
Bottle of Sake $1,599
Bottle of Tequila $499
Bottle of Beer $500

Image Item Name Buy Price
Blood Bag : A+ $12,527
Empty Blood Bag $12,102
Morphine $8,115
First Aid Kit $4,849
Small First Aid Kit $2,416

Image Item Name Buy Price
Chocolate Egg $199,999
Bag of Humbugs $270,000
Jawbreaker $199,999
Bag of Sherbet $199,999
Pixie Sticks $199,999
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $60,000
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $60,000
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $31,000
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $30,000
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $20,000
Bag of Candy Kisses $20,000
Lollipop $499
Box of Extra Strong Mints $499
Box of Sweet Hearts $499
Box of Chocolate Bars $499
Box of Bon Bons $499
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $499
Bag of Bon Bons $499

Image Item Name Buy Price
CD Player $11,112
Vanity Hand Mirror $8,210
Television $7,574
Game Console $3,303
MP3 Player $941
Birthday Wrapping Paper $458
Christmas Wrapping Paper $408
Generic Wrapping Paper $324
Box of Tissues $267
Empty Box $248

Supply Pack
Image Item Name Buy Price
Tin of Treats $400,000
Box of Medical Supplies $100,000
Stash Box $35,000
Coin Purse $2,140

Image Item Name Buy Price
Office Chair $1,753,015
Balaclava $801,321
Rosary Beads $748,429
Small Suitcase $636,173
Screwdriver $476,283
Duct Tape $406,515
Heavy Duty Padlock $285,196
Paint Mask $229,567
Ergonomic Keyboard $215,365
Magnifying Glass $189,631
High-Speed Drive $182,940
Latex Gloves $153,230
Mountain Bike $111,091
Advanced Driving Manual $107,940
Tracking Device $88,744
Chloroform $84,127
Wireless Dongle $77,685
Flashlight $77,150
Megaphone $74,400
Tumble Dryer $61,895
Fanny Pack $55,029
Cut-Throat Razor $12,503
Glasses $6,018

Image Item Name Buy Price
Window Breaker $195,343
Perforator $120,102
Printer $106,450
Polymorphic Virus $79,249
Tunneling Virus $69,940
ID Badge $68,585
Polishing Pad $58,921
Grinding Stone $55,166
HPCPU $54,805
Graver $53,552
Skeleton Key $53,498
Crucible $53,151
Coat Hanger $48,092
Lockpicks $34,656
Typewriter $30,744
Heat Sink $25,852
Torn City Times $18,981
Binoculars $7,000
Lump of Coal $11,427
Sewing Kit $10,393
Jemmy $9,694
Water Block $6,374
Ladder $4,826
Wire Cutters $4,726
Permanent Marker $3,924
Hand Drill $3,858
Scissors $3,559
Wheelbarrow $3,097
Shovel $2,752
Fountain Pen $2,642
Simple Virus $2,363
Drill $1,949
Card Skimmer $1,457
Laptop $595
Computer Fan $541
Spy Camera $536
PSU $520
Double Cut File $396
Personal Computer $391
Handkerchief $385
Credit Card $235
CPU $218
eCPU $214

Image Item Name Buy Price
Hydrochloric Acid $50,963
Printing Paper $49,832
Blank Tokens $44,445
Bank Statement $44,307
Glow Stick $24,196
Medical Bill $22,970
Bleach $14,415
Inkwell $14,045
PVC Cards $11,922
Lye $9,399
Insurance Policy $8,010
Crushed Enamel $7,800
Candle $5,850
Aluminum Plate $5,095
Brass Ingot $5,038
Paper Towels $3,908
Lanyard $781
Bond Paper $552
Gasoline $533
Toner $528
Glue $519
Cardstock $514
Blank DVDs $510
Adhesive Plastic $506
Rope $455
Spray Paint : Black $400
Spray Paint : Green $372
Spray Paint : Purple $359
Spray Paint : Blue $350
Spray Paint : Red $349
Spray Paint : Pink $347
Spray Paint : Orange $337
Spray Paint : White $329
Fruitcake $322

Image Item Name Buy Price
Cork Hat $300
Baseball Cap $200
Boob Tube $199
Polo Shirt $199
Halterneck $199
Skirt $199
Cardigan $199
Puffer Vest $200
Bandana $250
Travel Socks $199
Gym Shorts $199
Turtleneck $199
Trainers $199
Pencil Skirt $199
Disposable Mask $199
Yoga Pants $199
Peplum Top $199
Shorts $199
Capri Pants $199
Sweater $199
Camisole $199
Jacket $199
Tank Top $199
Bermudas $200
Blouse $199
Pantyhose $199

Image Item Name Buy Price
Diamond Ring $1,797
Sapphire Ring $628
Pearl Necklace $533
Gold Watch $408
Gold Ring $298
Gold Necklace $298
Silver Necklace $211
Plain Silver Ring $198
Plastic Watch $137
Stainless Steel Watch $131

Image Item Name Buy Price
Mini Sleigh $25,000
Mistletoe $30,000
License Plate $40,000
Sticky Notes $20,000
Salt Shaker $7,000
Boat Engine $60,000
Gingerbread Man $60,000
Birth Certificate $50,000
Diploma $50,000
Christmas Angel $40,000
Sprig of Holly $20,000
Stick of Dynamite $25,000
Maneki Neko $25,000
Golden Wreath $20,000
Handcuffs $22,000
Silver Coin $25,000
Croquet Set $15,000
Santa's Snot $20,000
Advent Calendar $7,000
Christmas Lights $7,000
Sextant $7,000
Hit Contract $15,000
Remote Detonator $7,000
Fire Hydrant $7,000
Silver Cutlery Set $15,000
Paperclips $7,000
Model Spine $7,000
Certificate of Awesome $8,000
Turkey Baster $7,000
Dental Mirror $7,000
Hoe $3,000
Igniter Cord $7,000
Potassium Nitrate $7,000
Plunger $7,000
Razor Wire $7,000
Gold Tooth $7,000
Urea $5,000
Certificate of Lame $8,000
Fishing Rod $7,000
Tailor's Dummy $7,000
Yucca Plant $6,000
Parking Permit $6,300
Compass $7,000
Driver's License $4,800
Fertilizer $2,300
Elephant Statue $2,800
Smelly Cheese $4,600
Snowboard $4,000
Hole Punch $7,000
Jigsaw Puzzle $1,300
Concert Ticket $2,800
Yakitori Lantern $2,700
Nodding Turtle $2,800
Massage Oil $1,700
Chopsticks $1,300
Paper Weight $1,600
Mayan Statue $2,400
Blanket $1,700
Steel Drum $2,500
Tampon $1,600
Spoon $1,800
Perfume $1,300
Towel $200
Pack of Cuban Cigars $200
Mouthwash $200
Microwave $150
Bolt Cutters $237
Tin Can $150
Vitamins $150
Phone Card $200
Notepad $200
Scrap Metal $150
Hard Drive $150
Travel Mug $150
Mix CD $150
Umbrella $150
Syringe $150
Lipstick $150
Cell Phone $150
Headphones $200
Soap on a Rope $150
Shaving Foam $150
Receipt $150
DVD Player $150
RS232 Cable $150

Image Item Name Buy Price
Kama $27,012
Bone Saw $12,600
Ice Pick $9,970
Katana $9,169
Chainsaw $7,354
Cricket Bat $6,646
Scimitar $3,679
Ninja Claws $3,392
Wooden Nunchaku $2,747
Axe $1,680
Chain Whip $1,556
Swiss Army Knife $1,270
Golf Club $1,058
Dagger $951
Kitchen Knife $633
Butterfly Knife $631
Sai $466
Leather Bullwhip $402
Pair of High Heels $399
Pen Knife $351
Pillow $346
Knuckle Dusters $147
Pair of Ice Skates $139
Spear $133
Baseball Bat $80
Crowbar $68
Plastic Sword $59
Lead Pipe $31
Hammer $18

Image Item Name Buy Price
Safety Boots $57,000
Bulletproof Vest $32,000
Construction Helmet $11,000
Leather Vest $1,300
Leather Helmet $800
Leather Boots $600
Leather Gloves $500

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