pain1337xd's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: None
Prices last updated: 4 minutes ago
Item Name Buy Price
Camel Plushie $61,317
Lion Plushie $50,630
Panda Plushie $45,290
Monkey Plushie $30,652
Red Fox Plushie $27,591
Nessie Plushie $26,818
Jaguar Plushie $12,452
Wolverine Plushie $6,570
Stingray Plushie $6,052
Chamois Plushie $4,563
Kitten Plushie $589
Teddy Bear Plushie $583
Sheep Plushie $583
Item Name Buy Price
Peony $49,105
Tribulus Omanense $48,560
African Violet $47,295
Cherry Blossom $42,330
Heather $31,069
Ceibo Flower $24,739
Orchid $14,801
Banana Orchid $7,470
Crocus $5,606
White Lily $4,406
Dahlia $1,716
Edelweiss $1,501

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