sneakybeak's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: 5 days, 8 hours ago
Prices last updated: 35 minutes ago
Image Item Name Buy Price
Camel Plushie $83,297
Lion Plushie $63,591
Panda Plushie $60,011
Monkey Plushie $37,097
Red Fox Plushie $34,426
Nessie Plushie $33,629
Jaguar Plushie $14,688
Chamois Plushie $8,126
Stingray Plushie $6,998
Wolverine Plushie $6,922
Kitten Plushie $811
Teddy Bear Plushie $778
Sheep Plushie $754

Image Item Name Buy Price
Tribulus Omanense $68,327
Peony $61,697
African Violet $57,971
Cherry Blossom $48,723
Heather $37,152
Ceibo Flower $32,830
Orchid $21,938
Banana Orchid $9,456
White Lily $7,528
Crocus $6,552
Dahlia $2,061
Edelweiss $1,959

Image Item Name Buy Price
Xanax $792,541
LSD $33,791
Ecstasy $32,756
Opium $26,668
PCP $13,280
Speed $8,530
Cannabis $5,820
Ketamine $5,678
Shrooms $5,675
Vicodin $1,035

Image Item Name Buy Price
Gift Card $2,903,636
Erotic DVD $2,829,748
Lawyer's Business Card $338,243

Image Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $1,073,875
Bottle of Green Stout $937,382
Bottle of Moonshine $778,943
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $216,203
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $202,725
Bottle of Wicked Witch $119,648
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $114,278
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $112,200
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $50,052
Bottle of Kandy Kane $45,884
Bottle of Champagne $2,821
Bottle of Sake $2,310
Bottle of Tequila $724
Bottle of Beer $566

Image Item Name Buy Price
Ipecac Syrup $46,590
Blood Bag : Irradiated $36,383
Blood Bag : AB- $24,089
Blood Bag : B- $19,836
Blood Bag : O- $19,519
Blood Bag : A- $18,119
Blood Bag : AB+ $17,209
Blood Bag : O+ $16,284
Blood Bag : B+ $15,141
Blood Bag : A+ $15,021
Empty Blood Bag $14,615
Morphine $11,555
First Aid Kit $7,516
Small First Aid Kit $3,703

Image Item Name Buy Price
Chocolate Egg $267,451
Jawbreaker $219,841
Bag of Sherbet $218,474
Pixie Sticks $217,385
Pink Easter Egg $79,242
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $68,620
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $66,661
Orange Easter Egg $62,040
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $36,848
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $35,117
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $23,198
Bag of Candy Kisses $22,833
Lollipop $578
Box of Extra Strong Mints $566
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $558
Box of Chocolate Bars $555
Box of Sweet Hearts $549
Box of Bon Bons $548
Bag of Bon Bons $545

Supply Pack
Image Item Name Buy Price
Box of Medical Supplies $223,654
Stash Box $50,417
Billfold $37,140
Clutch $9,229
Zip Wallet $8,686
Cardholder $7,534
Old Wallet $7,076
Coin Purse $2,846

Image Item Name Buy Price
Balaclava $1,293,741
Rosary Beads $1,099,486
Screwdriver $1,045,045
Magnifying Glass $484,134
Duct Tape $398,612
Heavy Duty Padlock $385,395
Paint Mask $302,912
High-Speed Drive $275,054
Ergonomic Keyboard $260,376
Latex Gloves $237,050
Mountain Bike $236,047
Tracking Device $170,674
Flashlight $167,154
Advanced Driving Manual $154,293
Chloroform $148,862
Wireless Dongle $144,827
Megaphone $132,665
Tumble Dryer $128,885
Fanny Pack $89,340
Cut-Throat Razor $17,790
Glasses $8,464

Image Item Name Buy Price
Firewalk Virus $940,792
Wax Seal Stamp $527,030
Armored Virus $368,609
Lost and Found Office Key $281,869
Police Badge $271,788
Crucible $224,003
Polishing Pad $202,761
Stealth Virus $196,930
Polymorphic Virus $170,162
Window Breaker $159,855
Grinding Stone $154,369
Perforator $143,208
Printer $132,015
Tunneling Virus $111,866
Lockpicks $100,839
HPCPU $86,167
Skeleton Key $81,072
Coat Hanger $75,537
Graver $64,093
Typewriter $53,977
Heat Sink $38,472
Torn City Times $33,360
Sewing Kit $22,334
Wire Cutters $21,376
Ladder $15,904
Lump of Coal $14,476
Water Block $13,942
Scissors $5,726
Handkerchief $5,126
Fountain Pen $3,149
Simple Virus $2,600
PSU $2,862
Jemmy $2,890
Wheelbarrow $2,704
Drill $2,699
Permanent Marker $2,784
Laptop $1,409
Spy Camera $891
Card Skimmer $860
Shovel $674
Personal Computer $672
Double Cut File $651
Computer Fan $459
Credit Card $420
CPU $337
eCPU $318

Image Item Name Buy Price
Anchor $281,994
Certificate Seal $264,453
Blowtorch $203,574
Blank Tokens $81,686
Printing Paper $73,765
Bank Statement $65,455
Medical Bill $43,982
Hydrochloric Acid $42,859
Inkwell $39,736
Glow Stick $37,669
Bleach $33,267
PVC Cards $20,531
Insurance Policy $16,607
Candle $13,779
Crushed Enamel $12,152
Brass Ingot $11,001
Lye $9,308
Aluminum Plate $8,887
Paper Towels $8,872
Gasoline $818
Adhesive Plastic $744
Glue $713
Blank DVDs $713
Cardstock $707
Christmas Wrapping Paper $701
Toner $671
Rope $588
Spray Paint : Blue $586
Spray Paint : Purple $585
Bond Paper $563
Spray Paint : Orange $557
Birthday Wrapping Paper $557
Spray Paint : White $537
Spray Paint : Pink $530
Spray Paint : Black $521
Spray Paint : Red $499
Generic Wrapping Paper $484
Spray Paint : Green $483
Fruitcake $483

Image Item Name Buy Price
Bottle Cap $1,013
Bolt Cutters $450

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