Search best deals and traders

Note: Price sorting option is now fixed 😎

Here are all of the items that traders in Torn Exchange are buying. If you are a seller, filter the search by item name, price or rating, to find the best deal for you!

Note when filtering by status: Idle traders can be just as online as Online traders, they may have switched tabs or having Torn opened but doing something away from keyboard so if you use that filter, make sure to always check Idle traders as well.

When choosing a trader, make sure they traded recently - you can check their activity on their price list page.

339285 items found in your search.
Item Name: Taurus

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: CPU

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Gold Necklace

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Ruger 57

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Gold Ring

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Butterfly Knife

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Credit Card

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: TMP

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Leather Gloves

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Leather Boots

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Springfield 1911

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Diamond Ring

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Pearl Necklace

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Cough Syrup

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Spear

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Soccer Ball

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Rotten Apple

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Soap on a Rope

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Family Photo

Buy Price: $200

Item Name: Knuckle Dusters

Buy Price: $200

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