E404_AND3R5ON's Trading List

Welcome to E404_AND3R5ON's price list. Click Start Trade now to start a trade.
Last trade made by this trader: None
Prices last updated: 39 minutes ago
Item Name Buy Price
Xanax $799,702
LSD $32,705
Ecstasy $31,674
Opium $29,246
PCP $13,529
Speed $10,298
Cannabis $6,216
Shrooms $5,497
Ketamine $5,272
Vicodin $1,050
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $333,079
Camel Plushie $71,937
Lion Plushie $59,479
Panda Plushie $53,839
Monkey Plushie $36,142
Red Fox Plushie $33,795
Nessie Plushie $32,019
Jaguar Plushie $14,558
Wolverine Plushie $7,283
Stingray Plushie $7,100
Chamois Plushie $5,737
Teddy Bear Plushie $694
Kitten Plushie $690
Sheep Plushie $681
Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $333,079
Peony $58,304
Tribulus Omanense $56,907
African Violet $55,430
Cherry Blossom $50,198
Heather $36,556
Ceibo Flower $28,896
Orchid $17,476
Banana Orchid $8,571
Crocus $6,065
White Lily $5,518
Dahlia $1,858
Edelweiss $1,671
Bunch of Black Roses $567
Single Red Rose $341
Funeral Wreath $333
Dozen Roses $238
Daffodil $217
Bunch of Flowers $191
Bunch of Carnations $190

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