SlayerGods666's Trading List
Welcome to SlayerGods666's price list. Click Start Trade now to start a trade.
Image | Item Name | Buy Price |
Camel Plushie | $77,150 | |
Lion Plushie | $60,896 | |
Panda Plushie | $54,810 | |
Monkey Plushie | $37,233 | |
Red Fox Plushie | $35,746 | |
Nessie Plushie | $32,967 | |
Jaguar Plushie | $14,685 | |
Stingray Plushie | $7,051 | |
Wolverine Plushie | $6,826 | |
Chamois Plushie | $6,727 | |
Kitten Plushie | $776 | |
Teddy Bear Plushie | $745 | |
Sheep Plushie | $732 |
Image | Item Name | Buy Price |
Bottle of Christmas Spirit | $1,013,017 | |
Bottle of Green Stout | $982,330 | |
Bottle of Moonshine | $796,479 | |
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch | $229,769 | |
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness | $226,120 | |
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail | $122,119 | |
Bottle of Wicked Witch | $121,620 | |
Bottle of Minty Mayhem | $120,924 | |
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew | $55,308 | |
Bottle of Kandy Kane | $55,100 | |
Bottle of Champagne | $2,847 | |
Bottle of Sake | $2,126 | |
Bottle of Tequila | $876 | |
Bottle of Beer | $581 |
Image | Item Name | Buy Price |
Chocolate Egg | $347,019 | |
Pixie Sticks | $221,655 | |
Bag of Sherbet | $221,308 | |
Jawbreaker | $221,180 | |
Bag of Chocolate Truffles | $71,012 | |
Bag of Reindeer Droppings | $70,591 | |
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs | $40,775 | |
Bag of Tootsie Rolls | $38,849 | |
Bag of Candy Kisses | $27,486 | |
Big Box of Chocolate Bars | $27,386 | |
Lollipop | $650 | |
Box of Extra Strong Mints | $628 | |
Box of Chocolate Bars | $615 | |
Box of Sweet Hearts | $610 | |
Box of Bon Bons | $606 | |
Bag of Chocolate Kisses | $605 | |
Bag of Bon Bons | $596 |