Tiger_Claw's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: 2 years, 2 months ago
Prices last updated: 27 minutes ago
Item Name Buy Price
Camel Plushie $73,191
Lion Plushie $59,964
Panda Plushie $54,665
Monkey Plushie $36,711
Red Fox Plushie $34,399
Nessie Plushie $32,384
Jaguar Plushie $14,713
Wolverine Plushie $7,388
Stingray Plushie $7,246
Chamois Plushie $5,919
Kitten Plushie $705
Teddy Bear Plushie $694
Sheep Plushie $692
Item Name Buy Price
Dozen White Roses $1,078,000,000
Flower Set $334,621
Peony $58,857
Tribulus Omanense $57,773
African Violet $55,892
Cherry Blossom $50,781
Heather $37,157
Ceibo Flower $29,197
Orchid $17,638
Banana Orchid $8,709
Crocus $6,002
White Lily $5,552
Dahlia $1,871
Edelweiss $1,643
Bunch of Black Roses $602
Single Red Rose $358
Funeral Wreath $328
Dozen Roses $328
Daffodil $228
Bunch of Flowers $198
Bunch of Carnations $196
Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $3,066,856
Xanax $798,630
LSD $32,813
Ecstasy $32,305
Opium $28,022
PCP $13,611
Speed $10,251
Cannabis $6,045
Shrooms $5,361
Ketamine $5,255
Vicodin $1,037
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of X-MASS $2,964,509
Can of Taurine Elite $2,957,307
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,779,074
Can of Red Cow $1,778,608
Can of Santa Shooters $1,310,530
Can of Munster $1,305,402
Can of Crocozade $902,929
Can of Damp Valley $588,265
Can of Goose Juice $289,786
Item Name Buy Price
Parachute $440,159,125
Dumbbells $439,355,778
Boxing Gloves $438,550,000
Skateboard $433,393,101
Feathery Hotel Coupon $11,021,941
Book of Carols $9,866,117
Erotic DVD $3,104,001
Gift Card $2,463,129
Lawyer's Business Card $192,063

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