TugBoatTimm's Trading List

Last trade made by this trader: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Prices last updated: 2 minutes ago
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $330,964
Camel Plushie $71,760
Lion Plushie $59,102
Panda Plushie $54,121
Monkey Plushie $35,864
Red Fox Plushie $32,898
Nessie Plushie $32,010
Jaguar Plushie $14,515
Wolverine Plushie $7,271
Stingray Plushie $7,153
Chamois Plushie $5,818
Teddy Bear Plushie $700
Kitten Plushie $699
Sheep Plushie $688
Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $330,964
Peony $58,254
Tribulus Omanense $56,998
African Violet $55,392
Cherry Blossom $50,435
Heather $36,135
Ceibo Flower $28,851
Orchid $17,508
Banana Orchid $8,543
Crocus $5,929
White Lily $5,679
Dahlia $1,862
Edelweiss $1,647
Bunch of Black Roses $593
Funeral Wreath $340
Dozen Roses $334
Single Red Rose $291
Daffodil $223
Bunch of Flowers $194
Bunch of Carnations $194
Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $3,016,861
Xanax $792,162
LSD $32,498
Ecstasy $29,262
Opium $28,740
PCP $13,054
Speed $10,180
Cannabis $6,046
Shrooms $5,259
Ketamine $5,175
Vicodin $1,019
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of X-MASS $2,950,519
Can of Taurine Elite $2,929,110
Can of Red Cow $1,762,121
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,760,957
Can of Munster $1,303,365
Can of Santa Shooters $1,294,979
Can of Crocozade $900,099
Can of Damp Valley $582,340
Can of Goose Juice $287,230
Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Green Stout $1,077,120
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $965,142
Bottle of Moonshine $712,275
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $232,447
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $230,722
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $123,183
Bottle of Wicked Witch $121,617
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $121,266
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $55,890
Bottle of Kandy Kane $55,825
Bottle of Champagne $2,623
Bottle of Sake $1,884
Bottle of Tequila $926
Bottle of Beer $583
Item Name Buy Price
Birthday Cupcake $1,794,302
Chocolate Egg $572,972
Bag of Humbugs $261,886
Jawbreaker $229,739
Bag of Sherbet $228,538
Pixie Sticks $227,349
Pink Easter Egg $81,771
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $73,585
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $72,932
Orange Easter Egg $64,020
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $41,716
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $39,831
Bag of Candy Kisses $28,282
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $28,254
Lollipop $592
Box of Extra Strong Mints $582
Box of Bon Bons $581
Box of Sweet Hearts $580
Box of Chocolate Bars $579
Bag of Bon Bons $576
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $574
Supply Pack
Item Name Buy Price
Donator Pack $23,005,569
Drug Pack $3,955,464
Six-Pack of Alcohol $781,708
Box of Medical Supplies $219,711
Item Name Buy Price
Large Suitcase $9,835,320
Medium Suitcase $3,685,027
Windproof Lighter $3,217,390
Office Chair $2,374,162
Balaclava $2,263,325
Rosary Beads $1,556,599
Small Suitcase $977,880
Screwdriver $678,998
Duct Tape $657,048
Heavy Duty Padlock $387,560
Ergonomic Keyboard $339,726
Paint Mask $326,299
Magnifying Glass $321,787
High-Speed Drive $277,756
Latex Gloves $244,406
Advanced Driving Manual $186,490
Mountain Bike $166,729
Flashlight $126,750
Wireless Dongle $120,437
Tracking Device $114,570
Megaphone $114,477
Chloroform $113,493
Fanny Pack $103,911
Tumble Dryer $97,155
Glasses $87,300
Cut-Throat Razor $29,100

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