Valve's Trading List

Valves Trading - Fast and Friendly trading, with 1000+trades.
Last trade made by this trader: 3 hours ago
Prices last updated: 8 seconds ago
Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $330,498
Peony $58,327
Tribulus Omanense $56,837
African Violet $56,030
Cherry Blossom $50,016
Heather $36,796
Ceibo Flower $28,989
Orchid $17,487
Banana Orchid $8,731
Crocus $6,549
White Lily $5,138
Dahlia $1,969
Edelweiss $1,757
Bunch of Black Roses $576
Dozen Roses $365
Single Red Rose $344
Funeral Wreath $313
Daffodil $228
Bunch of Flowers $200
Bunch of Carnations $199
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $330,498
Camel Plushie $71,531
Lion Plushie $59,794
Panda Plushie $53,390
Monkey Plushie $36,203
Red Fox Plushie $33,232
Nessie Plushie $32,048
Jaguar Plushie $14,577
Wolverine Plushie $7,556
Stingray Plushie $7,171
Chamois Plushie $5,596
Teddy Bear Plushie $685
Sheep Plushie $682
Kitten Plushie $647
Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $2,858,678
Xanax $809,585
LSD $33,476
Ecstasy $31,504
Opium $30,729
PCP $14,082
Speed $10,404
Cannabis $6,002
Shrooms $5,410
Ketamine $5,161
Vicodin $1,108
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of X-MASS $3,035,354
Can of Taurine Elite $3,027,354
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,826,218
Can of Red Cow $1,818,610
Can of Munster $1,421,834
Can of Santa Shooters $1,417,104
Can of Crocozade $928,691
Can of Damp Valley $599,037
Can of Goose Juice $297,493
Item Name Buy Price
Dumbbells $405,246,664
Boxing Gloves $400,277,493
Parachute $399,340,034
Skateboard $397,233,993
Feathery Hotel Coupon $11,057,713
Book of Carols $10,682,580
Erotic DVD $3,368,179
Gift Card $2,630,967
Lawyer's Business Card $234,917
Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $1,103,418
Bottle of Green Stout $1,080,287
Bottle of Moonshine $758,056
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $252,365
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $242,693
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $153,578
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $150,421
Bottle of Wicked Witch $149,382
Bottle of Kandy Kane $62,346
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $61,112
Bottle of Champagne $2,868
Bottle of Sake $1,775
Bottle of Tequila $924
Bottle of Beer $577
Item Name Buy Price
Antidote $271,399,999
Neumune Tablet $844,253
Ipecac Syrup $49,748
Blood Bag : AB- $28,182
Blood Bag : Irradiated $20,444
Blood Bag : O- $19,861
Blood Bag : B- $19,120
Blood Bag : AB+ $18,306
Blood Bag : O+ $16,189
Blood Bag : B+ $15,911
Blood Bag : A- $15,415
Blood Bag : A+ $14,723
Empty Blood Bag $14,493
Morphine $10,361
First Aid Kit $7,271
Small First Aid Kit $3,614
Item Name Buy Price
Sand $71,098,024
Book $31,468,333
Concussion Grenade $6,385,528
Nail Bomb $1,911,019
Serotonin $1,225,409
Epinephrine $848,997
Tyrosine $564,852
Melatonin $282,003
Glitter Bomb $196,080
Party Popper $124,550
Smoke Grenade $77,296
Tear Gas $48,788
Molotov Cocktail $38,697
Throwing Knife $27,744
Flash Grenade $16,244
Trout $14,351
HEG $14,240
Stick Grenade $10,789
Claymore Mine $10,759
Snowball $9,594
Grenade $6,410
Pepper Spray $1,227
Ninja Star $874
Wrench $651
Fireworks $632
Brick $482
Item Name Buy Price
Birthday Cupcake $1,857,654
Chocolate Egg $603,200
Bag of Humbugs $272,637
Bag of Sherbet $235,720
Pixie Sticks $234,525
Jawbreaker $234,476
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $80,256
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $79,122
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $43,489
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $42,050
Bag of Candy Kisses $29,553
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $29,186
Lollipop $578
Box of Extra Strong Mints $567
Box of Sweet Hearts $563
Box of Bon Bons $560
Box of Chocolate Bars $557
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $557
Bag of Bon Bons $552
Item Name Buy Price
Cesium-137 $506,653,333
Poison Mistletoe $34,428,608
Strippogram Voucher $23,656,755
Casino Pass $11,001,855
Small Explosive Device $4,506,620
Business Class Ticket $4,245,982
Dog Poop $1,041,939
Stink Bombs $1,007,446
Toilet Paper $975,653
Horse's Head $886,664
Christmas Cracker $585,195
Vanity Hand Mirror $13,341
CD Player $3,786
Television $2,723
Game Console $872
MP3 Player $618
Birthday Wrapping Paper $574
Christmas Wrapping Paper $480
Empty Box $373
Generic Wrapping Paper $352
Box of Tissues $350
Item Name Buy Price
Gold Chain $142,800,000
Statement Necklace $14,699,982
Crystal Bracelet $9,240,000
Cocktail Ring $3,337,000
Diamond Ring $2,445
Sapphire Ring $876
Pearl Necklace $724
Gold Watch $540
Gold Necklace $398
Gold Ring $387
Silver Necklace $270
Plain Silver Ring $244
Stainless Steel Watch $167
Plastic Watch $156
Supply Pack
Item Name Buy Price
Heavy Arms Cache $372,142,499
Armor Cache $310,476,063
Anniversary Present $222,717,619
Medium Arms Cache $197,860,094
Melee Cache $159,854,212
Small Arms Cache $105,987,165
Goodie Bag $25,365,386
Donator Pack $22,578,333
Six-Pack of Energy Drink $11,889,709
Keg of Beer $6,729,166
Naughty Cache $5,845,666
Injury Cache $4,060,300
Drug Pack $4,001,248
Elegant Cache $3,518,202
Gentleman Cache $3,054,248
Wannabe Cache $2,954,490
Cutesy Cache $2,849,998
Elderly Cache $1,659,333
Box of Grenades $1,045,005
Lottery Voucher $812,561
Six-Pack of Alcohol $803,415
Tin of Treats $772,033
Denim Cache $766,916
Box of Medical Supplies $215,306
Stash Box $50,337
Billfold $35,253
Clutch $8,511
Zip Wallet $8,042
Cardholder $7,251
Old Wallet $6,645
Coin Purse $3,247
Item Name Buy Price
Net $7,638,043
Core Drill $6,279,926
Firewalk Virus $4,762,470
Cemetery Key $4,095,999
Embosser $4,067,731
RF Detector $3,583,993
Core Driller $3,071,998
Metal Detector $3,029,277
Hot Foil Stamper $2,090,400
DSLR Camera $1,302,271
Card Programmer $1,093,647
ATM Key $427,196
Police Badge $422,079
Lost and Found Office Key $307,554
Wax Seal Stamp $288,000
Thimble $283,335
Armored Virus $212,640
Stealth Virus $192,768
Perforator $181,812
Window Breaker $169,465
Polymorphic Virus $120,957
Printer $114,558
ID Badge $102,801
Tunneling Virus $99,840
Polishing Pad $91,200
Lockpicks $87,358
Grinding Stone $78,460
Skeleton Key $77,666
Graver $76,800
Crucible $67,188
HPCPU $66,449
Coat Hanger $64,811
Jemmy $48,937
Typewriter $38,430
Heat Sink $29,119
Torn City Times $25,362
Binoculars $24,309
Lump of Coal $12,935
Sewing Kit $12,640
Water Block $8,814
Permanent Marker $8,744
Scissors $7,597
Ladder $7,190
Hand Drill $6,720
Wheelbarrow $6,645
Wire Cutters $6,275
Fountain Pen $4,264
Simple Virus $4,038
Shovel $3,368
Drill $2,879
Computer Fan $1,071
Spy Camera $765
Card Skimmer $726
Laptop $700
Double Cut File $620
Personal Computer $542
PSU $523
Handkerchief $459
CPU $435
Credit Card $350
eCPU $316
Item Name Buy Price
Shaped Charge $5,428,653
Bonded Latex $1,444,823
Blowtorch $570,000
Anchor $271,462
Certificate Seal $186,681
C4 Explosive $111,169
Zip Ties $86,343
Hydrochloric Acid $76,692
Printing Paper $73,061
Blank Tokens $67,305
Bank Statement $63,271
Dog Treats $37,874
Glow Stick $37,816
Medical Bill $29,058
Crushed Enamel $20,270
Inkwell $17,812
PVC Cards $17,400
Bleach $15,299
Insurance Policy $10,676
Lye $10,469
Candle $7,662
Brass Ingot $7,096
Aluminum Plate $7,053
Paper Towels $5,335
Lanyard $847
Bond Paper $805
Rope $804
Adhesive Plastic $767
Cardstock $746
Toner $688
Glue $684
Gasoline $672
Spray Paint : Black $600
Spray Paint : Purple $544
Blank DVDs $533
Spray Paint : Green $527
Spray Paint : Pink $516
Spray Paint : Orange $514
Spray Paint : White $502
Spray Paint : Blue $483
Spray Paint : Red $469
Fruitcake $459

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