WhackedMaki's Trading List

Hey there, welcome to my price list. Thank you for checking me out! I'm willing to price match any item you might find elsewhere, but generally I'm already at the best rate you'll find. I'll gladly trade for items that aren't on my list, I just don't want it to be too cluttered so I don't list everything, but I'll happily price it up! On RW caches I look them up by hand because the market can be very volatile, so prices may not match exactly.
Last trade made by this trader: 5 hours ago
Prices last updated: an hour ago
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $333,386
Camel Plushie $72,679
Lion Plushie $60,093
Panda Plushie $54,221
Monkey Plushie $36,515
Red Fox Plushie $34,029
Nessie Plushie $32,349
Jaguar Plushie $14,724
Wolverine Plushie $7,358
Stingray Plushie $7,174
Chamois Plushie $5,796
Teddy Bear Plushie $701
Kitten Plushie $697
Sheep Plushie $688
Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $333,386
Peony $58,905
Tribulus Omanense $57,494
African Violet $56,001
Cherry Blossom $50,715
Heather $36,933
Ceibo Flower $29,194
Orchid $17,657
Banana Orchid $8,659
Crocus $6,128
White Lily $5,513
Dahlia $1,877
Edelweiss $1,689
Bunch of Black Roses $590
Single Red Rose $345
Funeral Wreath $336
Dozen Roses $331
Daffodil $220
Bunch of Flowers $193
Bunch of Carnations $192
Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $2,712,503
Xanax $807,946
LSD $32,705
Ecstasy $31,674
Opium $29,246
PCP $13,698
Speed $9,892
Cannabis $6,216
Shrooms $5,483
Ketamine $4,884
Vicodin $1,050
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of X-MASS $3,023,800
Can of Taurine Elite $3,013,022
Can of Red Cow $1,777,837
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,776,140
Can of Munster $1,335,761
Can of Santa Shooters $1,333,141
Can of Crocozade $904,357
Can of Damp Valley $583,765
Can of Goose Juice $288,376
Item Name Buy Price
Dumbbells $441,000,000
Parachute $441,000,000
Boxing Gloves $441,000,000
Skateboard $435,000,000
Feathery Hotel Coupon $11,009,495
Book of Carols $10,031,191
Erotic DVD $3,274,552
Gift Card $2,618,904
Lawyer's Business Card $187,523
Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Green Stout $978,500
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $946,463
Bottle of Moonshine $710,355
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $232,925
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $231,104
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $125,366
Bottle of Wicked Witch $123,064
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $121,658
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $55,929
Bottle of Kandy Kane $55,064
Bottle of Champagne $2,911
Bottle of Sake $1,831
Bottle of Tequila $905
Bottle of Beer $585
Item Name Buy Price
Neumune Tablet $821,523
Ipecac Syrup $50,397
Blood Bag : AB- $22,309
Blood Bag : O- $20,712
Blood Bag : Irradiated $19,738
Blood Bag : B- $19,712
Blood Bag : AB+ $19,254
Blood Bag : A- $15,752
Blood Bag : B+ $15,342
Blood Bag : A+ $15,256
Blood Bag : O+ $14,933
Empty Blood Bag $14,676
Morphine $10,183
First Aid Kit $6,982
Small First Aid Kit $3,551
Item Name Buy Price
Sand $75,818,948
Concussion Grenade $8,240,663
Nail Bomb $2,021,000
Serotonin $1,253,140
Epinephrine $878,560
Tyrosine $583,065
Melatonin $290,997
Glitter Bomb $190,765
Party Popper $116,186
Smoke Grenade $80,506
Tear Gas $50,456
Molotov Cocktail $38,823
Throwing Knife $28,494
Flash Grenade $16,777
HEG $14,563
Trout $13,862
Claymore Mine $11,298
Stick Grenade $10,504
Snowball $10,189
Grenade $6,529
Pepper Spray $1,305
Ninja Star $921
Wrench $636
Fireworks $545
Brick $488
Item Name Buy Price
Birthday Cupcake $2,133,610
Chocolate Egg $532,282
Bag of Humbugs $273,210
Jawbreaker $230,349
Pixie Sticks $230,061
Bag of Sherbet $229,925
Pink Easter Egg $81,771
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $78,268
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $74,492
Orange Easter Egg $64,020
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $42,136
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $40,174
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $29,361
Bag of Candy Kisses $28,855
Lollipop $588
Box of Extra Strong Mints $578
Box of Bon Bons $577
Box of Sweet Hearts $575
Box of Chocolate Bars $573
Bag of Bon Bons $573
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $572
Item Name Buy Price
Cesium-137 $580,000,000
Poison Mistletoe $30,558,334
Strippogram Voucher $21,445,901
Casino Pass $10,683,028
Small Explosive Device $4,511,021
Business Class Ticket $4,086,127
Dog Poop $1,048,225
Toilet Paper $1,020,003
Stink Bombs $984,023
Horse's Head $946,560
Christmas Cracker $659,126
Vanity Hand Mirror $12,909
Birthday Wrapping Paper $574
Christmas Wrapping Paper $478
MP3 Player $408
Empty Box $384
Box of Tissues $357
Generic Wrapping Paper $272
Supply Pack
Item Name Buy Price
Heavy Arms Cache $347,799,999
Armor Cache $328,959,999
Medium Arms Cache $211,650,314
Melee Cache $167,649,694
Small Arms Cache $116,160,000
Goodie Bag $26,097,695
Donator Pack $23,525,000
Six-Pack of Energy Drink $11,854,733
Naughty Cache $7,233,531
Keg of Beer $7,032,398
Injury Cache $5,514,820
Elegant Cache $3,963,745
Drug Pack $3,981,810
Wannabe Cache $3,822,866
Gentleman Cache $3,786,661
Cutesy Cache $3,467,497
Elderly Cache $1,884,363
Box of Grenades $1,059,024
Lottery Voucher $831,353
Denim Cache $793,927
Tin of Treats $806,065
Six-Pack of Alcohol $787,498
Box of Medical Supplies $218,197
Stash Box $49,349
Billfold $35,044
Zip Wallet $8,617
Clutch $8,617
Cardholder $7,777
Old Wallet $6,785
Coin Purse $3,378
Item Name Buy Price
Large Suitcase $9,975,875
Medium Suitcase $3,628,644
Windproof Lighter $3,279,658
Office Chair $2,481,114
Balaclava $2,397,498
Rosary Beads $1,794,882
Small Suitcase $940,346
Screwdriver $656,819
Duct Tape $630,190
Heavy Duty Padlock $419,920
Ergonomic Keyboard $329,070
Paint Mask $318,602
Magnifying Glass $302,836
High-Speed Drive $272,723
Latex Gloves $241,612
Advanced Driving Manual $177,979
Mountain Bike $167,141
Flashlight $120,088
Megaphone $117,547
Wireless Dongle $115,646
Tracking Device $110,717
Chloroform $100,601
Fanny Pack $98,879
Tumble Dryer $94,502
Glasses $62,509
Cut-Throat Razor $27,285
Item Name Buy Price
Net $9,875,900
Core Drill $5,303,556
RF Detector $4,058,774
Cemetery Key $3,852,421
Embosser $3,812,037
Firewalk Virus $3,332,936
Core Driller $3,071,998
Metal Detector $2,911,999
Hot Foil Stamper $2,208,252
Card Programmer $1,196,797
DSLR Camera $1,182,710
Police Badge $593,600
ATM Key $557,021
Thimble $339,960
Wax Seal Stamp $291,502
Lost and Found Office Key $288,540
Armored Virus $278,533
Stealth Virus $208,763
Perforator $184,234
Window Breaker $172,453
Printer $115,528
ID Badge $103,984
Polymorphic Virus $103,795
Tunneling Virus $99,780
Graver $97,599
Lockpicks $90,880
Polishing Pad $85,137
Skeleton Key $76,900
Crucible $72,072
Grinding Stone $69,426
HPCPU $64,860
Jemmy $51,692
Coat Hanger $48,000
Typewriter $42,378
Heat Sink $31,099
Binoculars $24,999
Torn City Times $22,079
Lump of Coal $14,183
Sewing Kit $13,211
Water Block $8,650
Permanent Marker $7,693
Ladder $7,583
Wheelbarrow $7,096
Scissors $6,911
Wire Cutters $6,640
Hand Drill $6,560
Fountain Pen $4,354
Simple Virus $4,152
Shovel $3,756
Drill $2,879
Computer Fan $958
Spy Camera $793
Card Skimmer $712
Laptop $672
Double Cut File $548
PSU $546
Personal Computer $464
Handkerchief $385
Credit Card $324
CPU $313
eCPU $307
Item Name Buy Price
Shaped Charge $3,982,783
Bonded Latex $1,487,701
Blowtorch $556,068
Anchor $299,136
Certificate Seal $188,579
C4 Explosive $110,055
Hydrochloric Acid $86,398
Printing Paper $73,281
Blank Tokens $70,612
Zip Ties $63,287
Bank Statement $63,131
Glow Stick $36,143
Dog Treats $34,398
Medical Bill $29,086
Crushed Enamel $22,875
Inkwell $18,784
PVC Cards $17,634
Bleach $15,614
Lye $10,630
Insurance Policy $10,400
Candle $7,744
Aluminum Plate $7,295
Brass Ingot $6,285
Paper Towels $5,531
Bond Paper $781
Adhesive Plastic $725
Lanyard $687
Gasoline $670
Cardstock $665
Toner $662
Glue $644
Rope $578
Blank DVDs $568
Spray Paint : Black $515
Spray Paint : Green $506
Spray Paint : Pink $489
Spray Paint : Red $478
Spray Paint : Orange $474
Spray Paint : White $474
Spray Paint : Blue $473
Spray Paint : Purple $466
Fruitcake $391
Basic Properties
Item Name Buy Price
Private Island (2000 happiness) $455,000,000
Castle (1500 happiness) $149,900,000
Palace (1000 happiness) $48,700,000
Ranch (600 happiness) $11,200,000
Mansion (500 happiness) $2,200,000
Penthouse (450 happiness) $1,500,000
Villa (400 happiness) $930,000
Chalet (350 happiness) $560,000
Beach House (300 happiness) $370,000
Detached House (200 happiness) $220,000
Semi-Detached House (150 happiness) $56,000
Apartment (125 happiness) $18,000
Trailer (110 happiness) $3,500
Fully Upgraded Properties
Item Name Buy Price
Private Island (4225 happiness) $1,633,000,000

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