White-Lion's Trading List

Buying most items. Anything not on my pricelist, ask me for prices!
Last trade made by this trader: 4 months ago
Prices last updated: 26 seconds ago
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $410,000
Camel Plushie $65,697
Lion Plushie $54,884
Panda Plushie $48,719
Monkey Plushie $33,298
Red Fox Plushie $30,720
Nessie Plushie $29,696
Jaguar Plushie $13,506
Wolverine Plushie $7,011
Stingray Plushie $6,650
Chamois Plushie $5,159
Teddy Bear Plushie $635
Sheep Plushie $633
Kitten Plushie $632
Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $410,000
Peony $54,118
Tribulus Omanense $52,736
African Violet $51,967
Cherry Blossom $46,400
Heather $34,141
Ceibo Flower $26,818
Orchid $16,225
Banana Orchid $8,086
Crocus $6,061
White Lily $4,728
Dahlia $1,827
Edelweiss $1,630
Bunch of Black Roses $533
Dozen Roses $330
Single Red Rose $320
Funeral Wreath $266
Daffodil $212
Bunch of Carnations $184
Bunch of Flowers $184
Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $2,652,382
Xanax $815,000
LSD $32,785
Ecstasy $30,854
Opium $30,095
PCP $13,792
Speed $10,190
Cannabis $5,879
Shrooms $5,301
Ketamine $5,065
Vicodin $1,085
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of X-MASS $3,082,781
Can of Taurine Elite $3,074,657
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,854,752
Can of Red Cow $1,847,025
Can of Munster $1,444,050
Can of Santa Shooters $1,439,246
Can of Crocozade $943,201
Can of Damp Valley $609,063
Can of Goose Juice $302,142
Item Name Buy Price
Dumbbells $440,000,000
Boxing Gloves $440,000,000
Parachute $440,000,000
Skateboard $395,000,000
Feathery Hotel Coupon $11,286,888
Book of Carols $5,000,000
Erotic DVD $3,385,631
Gift Card $2,686,356
Lawyer's Business Card $238,295
Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $1,057,442
Bottle of Green Stout $1,038,065
Bottle of Moonshine $741,928
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $259,391
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $254,994
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $155,178
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $151,988
Bottle of Wicked Witch $150,938
Bottle of Kandy Kane $62,996
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $61,748
Bottle of Champagne $2,898
Bottle of Sake $1,787
Bottle of Tequila $927
Bottle of Beer $584
Item Name Buy Price
Neumune Tablet $791,487
Ipecac Syrup $46,639
Blood Bag : AB- $25,650
Blood Bag : Irradiated $19,166
Blood Bag : O- $18,742
Blood Bag : B- $17,728
Blood Bag : AB+ $17,325
Blood Bag : O+ $15,250
Blood Bag : B+ $14,790
Blood Bag : A- $14,451
Blood Bag : A+ $13,853
Empty Blood Bag $13,587
Morphine $9,714
First Aid Kit $6,817
Small First Aid Kit $3,388
Item Name Buy Price
Sand $81,187,081
Book $38,240,000
Concussion Grenade $6,959,508
Nail Bomb $1,971,039
Serotonin $1,264,518
Epinephrine $876,092
Tyrosine $582,879
Melatonin $291,003
Glitter Bomb $202,338
Party Popper $128,525
Smoke Grenade $79,763
Tear Gas $49,874
Molotov Cocktail $39,932
Throwing Knife $28,630
Flash Grenade $16,763
Trout $14,809
HEG $14,601
Stick Grenade $11,108
Claymore Mine $11,103
Snowball $9,931
Grenade $6,751
Pepper Spray $1,266
Ninja Star $902
Wrench $672
Fireworks $652
Brick $498
Item Name Buy Price
Chocolate Egg $559,468
Bag of Humbugs $255,597
Bag of Sherbet $220,988
Pixie Sticks $219,867
Jawbreaker $219,821
Pink Easter Egg $75,870
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $75,240
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $74,177
Orange Easter Egg $59,400
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $40,771
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $39,422
Bag of Candy Kisses $27,706
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $27,362
Lollipop $542
Box of Extra Strong Mints $532
Box of Sweet Hearts $527
Box of Bon Bons $525
Box of Chocolate Bars $522
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $522
Bag of Bon Bons $519
Item Name Buy Price
Cesium-137 $575,000,000
Poison Mistletoe $34,811,296
Strippogram Voucher $18,676,385
Casino Pass $9,518,456
Small Explosive Device $4,269,430
Business Class Ticket $4,022,510
Dog Poop $987,100
Stink Bombs $954,422
Toilet Paper $924,303
Horse's Head $832,500
Christmas Cracker $557,997
Vanity Hand Mirror $12,639
CD Player $2,960
Television $2,059
Game Console $826
MP3 Player $596
Birthday Wrapping Paper $302
Christmas Wrapping Paper $252
Empty Box $354
Generic Wrapping Paper $186
Box of Tissues $331
Supply Pack
Item Name Buy Price
Heavy Arms Cache $389,252,499
Armor Cache $322,321,997
Medium Arms Cache $206,570,000
Melee Cache $166,529,994
Small Arms Cache $116,709,760
Goodie Bag $25,143,332
Donator Pack $23,550,000
Six-Pack of Energy Drink $11,765,858
Keg of Beer $6,739,196
Naughty Cache $5,230,333
Injury Cache $3,646,972
Drug Pack $3,910,196
Elegant Cache $3,147,864
Gentleman Cache $2,719,998
Wannabe Cache $2,643,434
Cutesy Cache $2,549,986
Elderly Cache $1,444,995
Box of Grenades $1,042,148
Lottery Voucher $809,558
Six-Pack of Alcohol $803,415
Tin of Treats $779,182
Denim Cache $684,459
Box of Medical Supplies $214,541
Stash Box $50,337
Billfold $35,253
Clutch $8,511
Zip Wallet $8,190
Cardholder $7,628
Old Wallet $6,651
Coin Purse $3,247
Item Name Buy Price
Large Suitcase $9,932,798
Medium Suitcase $3,778,473
Windproof Lighter $3,213,521
Balaclava $2,263,487
Office Chair $2,120,784
Rosary Beads $1,501,497
Small Suitcase $1,060,276
Screwdriver $599,272
Duct Tape $588,164
Heavy Duty Padlock $394,197
Ergonomic Keyboard $312,474
Paint Mask $291,000
High-Speed Drive $272,606
Magnifying Glass $257,699
Latex Gloves $228,000
Advanced Driving Manual $203,830
Mountain Bike $160,200
Megaphone $134,999
Tracking Device $130,489
Flashlight $130,196
Wireless Dongle $126,000
Chloroform $106,861
Fanny Pack $102,440
Tumble Dryer $80,379
Glasses $40,687
Cut-Throat Razor $26,733
Item Name Buy Price
Bonded Latex $760,433
Blowtorch $298,166
Anchor $144,231
Certificate Seal $97,663
Printing Paper $38,453
Hydrochloric Acid $37,164
Blank Tokens $35,424
Bank Statement $33,300
Glow Stick $19,903
Medical Bill $15,262
Crushed Enamel $10,670
Inkwell $9,374
PVC Cards $9,158
Bleach $8,052
Insurance Policy $5,619
Lye $5,530
Candle $4,032
Aluminum Plate $3,715
Brass Ingot $3,708
Paper Towels $2,647
Bond Paper $424
Rope $423
Adhesive Plastic $404
Cardstock $392
Toner $362
Glue $360
Gasoline $354
Spray Paint : Black $316
Spray Paint : Purple $286
Blank DVDs $280
Spray Paint : Green $278
Spray Paint : Pink $272
Spray Paint : Orange $270
Spray Paint : White $264
Spray Paint : Blue $254
Spray Paint : Red $247
Fruitcake $242
Item Name Buy Price
Egyptian Amulet $400,000,000
Shabti Sculpture $20,000,000
Quran Script : Ibn Masud $11,000,000
Quran Script : Ali $11,000,000
Quran Script : Ubay Ibn Ka'b $11,000,000
Ganesha Sculpture $10,000,000
White Senet Pawn $8,000,000
Black Senet Pawn $8,000,000
Vairocana Buddha Sculpture $4,000,000
Florin Coin $1,200,000
Leopard Coin $1,200,000
Gold Noble Coin $1,200,000
Senet Board $320,000

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