WoolyMama's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: 2 days, 15 hours ago
Prices last updated: 29 minutes ago
Image Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $368,270
Camel Plushie $84,726
Lion Plushie $64,608
Panda Plushie $59,398
Monkey Plushie $38,035
Red Fox Plushie $35,156
Nessie Plushie $34,763
Jaguar Plushie $15,227
Chamois Plushie $8,204
Stingray Plushie $7,385
Wolverine Plushie $7,157
Kitten Plushie $798
Teddy Bear Plushie $788
Sheep Plushie $779

Image Item Name Buy Price
Flower Set $368,270
Tribulus Omanense $69,923
Peony $62,243
African Violet $59,034
Cherry Blossom $50,104
Heather $39,213
Ceibo Flower $33,200
Orchid $22,001
Banana Orchid $10,843
White Lily $9,735
Crocus $6,681
Dahlia $2,096
Edelweiss $2,018
Bunch of Black Roses $383
Dozen Roses $255
Funeral Wreath $227
Bunch of Flowers $211
Daffodil $191
Single Red Rose $189
Bunch of Carnations $167

Image Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $4,705,169
Xanax $815,000
LSD $34,270
Ecstasy $32,762
Opium $26,895
PCP $12,947
Speed $8,615
Cannabis $5,599
Ketamine $5,490
Shrooms $5,468
Vicodin $967

Energy Drinks
Image Item Name Buy Price
Can of Taurine Elite $3,140,390
Can of X-MASS $3,117,576
Can of Red Cow $1,784,268
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,753,186
Can of Munster $1,322,542
Can of Santa Shooters $1,292,042
Can of Crocozade $830,410
Can of Damp Valley $551,161
Can of Goose Juice $276,011

Image Item Name Buy Price
Feathery Hotel Coupon $11,431,056
Book of Carols $9,603,665
Gift Card $3,515,597
Erotic DVD $3,001,114
Lawyer's Business Card $299,118

Image Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $1,170,599
Bottle of Green Stout $931,910
Bottle of Moonshine $766,837
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $207,893
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $198,265
Bottle of Wicked Witch $115,286
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $108,973
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $108,898
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $48,661
Bottle of Kandy Kane $45,872
Bottle of Champagne $2,700
Bottle of Sake $2,020
Bottle of Tequila $693
Bottle of Beer $542

Image Item Name Buy Price
Bag of Humbugs $335,628
Chocolate Egg $266,559
Bag of Sherbet $221,224
Pixie Sticks $212,191
Jawbreaker $211,998
Pink Easter Egg $77,556
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $65,548
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $65,090
Orange Easter Egg $60,720
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $37,113
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $34,048
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $22,849
Bag of Candy Kisses $22,090
Box of Extra Strong Mints $561
Lollipop $560
Box of Chocolate Bars $553
Box of Sweet Hearts $544
Bag of Chocolate Kisses $542
Box of Bon Bons $542
Bag of Bon Bons $539

Image Item Name Buy Price
Poison Mistletoe $26,759,228
Strippogram Voucher $14,173,866
Casino Pass $8,275,146
Business Class Ticket $4,112,911
Small Explosive Device $3,915,702
Horse's Head $1,464,430
Stink Bombs $931,643
Dog Poop $929,120
Toilet Paper $897,088
Christmas Cracker $823,973
Vanity Hand Mirror $12,338
Game Console $440
Box of Tissues $434
Empty Box $372
Television $312
CD Player $265
MP3 Player $264

Supply Pack
Image Item Name Buy Price
Small Arms Cache $126,107,639
Donator Pack $23,500,000
Six-Pack of Energy Drink $11,902,500
Naughty Cache $9,376,665
Keg of Beer $8,480,212
Injury Cache $7,751,744
Wannabe Cache $5,544,900
Cutesy Cache $5,399,518
Elegant Cache $4,368,392
Gentleman Cache $4,154,421
Drug Pack $3,864,404
Elderly Cache $1,950,074
Denim Cache $1,406,027
Box of Grenades $965,227
Lottery Voucher $804,221
Tin of Treats $792,882
Six-Pack of Alcohol $750,802
Box of Medical Supplies $212,101
Stash Box $48,960
Billfold $35,339
Clutch $8,769
Zip Wallet $8,238
Cardholder $7,228
Old Wallet $6,808
Coin Purse $2,724

Image Item Name Buy Price
Large Suitcase $8,045,065
Medium Suitcase $2,921,398
Windproof Lighter $2,666,666
Office Chair $2,437,173
Rosary Beads $1,304,560
Balaclava $1,100,000
Small Suitcase $857,359
Screwdriver $841,629
Duct Tape $406,533
Magnifying Glass $404,323
Heavy Duty Padlock $334,902
Paint Mask $271,732
High-Speed Drive $243,050
Ergonomic Keyboard $241,658
Mountain Bike $222,873
Latex Gloves $205,873
Tracking Device $181,298
Advanced Driving Manual $173,621
Chloroform $171,203
Flashlight $160,728
Wireless Dongle $133,762
Megaphone $120,233
Tumble Dryer $79,999
Fanny Pack $79,506
Cut-Throat Razor $15,400
Glasses $7,418

Image Item Name Buy Price
Shabti Sculpture $15,597,500
Quran Script : Ali $12,834,997
Quran Script : Ibn Masud $11,050,000
Quran Script : Ubay Ibn Ka'b $11,049,997
Ganesha Sculpture $9,774,999
White Senet Pawn $6,984,166
Black Senet Pawn $6,715,000
Vairocana Buddha Sculpture $5,100,000
Florin Coin $1,163,847
Gold Noble Coin $1,155,637
Leopard Coin $1,054,000
Senet Board $587,911

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