pimpypoo's Trading List

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Last trade made by this trader: None
Prices last updated: 3 minutes ago
Item Name Buy Price
Plushie Set $254,902
Camel Plushie $55,324
Lion Plushie $45,999
Panda Plushie $41,255
Monkey Plushie $27,854
Red Fox Plushie $25,525
Nessie Plushie $24,750
Jaguar Plushie $11,259
Wolverine Plushie $5,888
Stingray Plushie $5,425
Chamois Plushie $4,277
Item Name Buy Price
Dozen White Roses $657,000,002
Flower Set $254,902
Peony $45,032
Tribulus Omanense $43,917
African Violet $43,176
Cherry Blossom $38,581
Heather $28,458
Ceibo Flower $22,391
Orchid $13,556
Banana Orchid $6,750
Crocus $5,050
White Lily $3,945
Dahlia $1,524
Edelweiss $1,354
Bunch of Black Roses $454
Dozen Roses $279
Single Red Rose $265
Funeral Wreath $263
Daffodil $178
Bunch of Carnations $155
Bunch of Flowers $152
Item Name Buy Price
Love Juice $2,193,567
Opium $23,950
PCP $10,750
Speed $8,312
Cannabis $4,625
Shrooms $4,017
Ketamine $3,985
Vicodin $836
Energy Drinks
Item Name Buy Price
Can of Taurine Elite $2,371,590
Can of X-MASS $2,368,832
Can of Red Cow $1,434,404
Can of Rockstar Rudolph $1,432,830
Can of Santa Shooters $1,119,676
Can of Munster $1,116,242
Can of Crocozade $739,220
Can of Damp Valley $476,630
Can of Goose Juice $239,613
Item Name Buy Price
Feathery Hotel Coupon $8,565,760
Erotic DVD $2,675,906
Gift Card $2,034,995
Lawyer's Business Card $185,229
Item Name Buy Price
Bottle of Christmas Spirit $1,199,999
Bottle of Green Stout $883,954
Bottle of Moonshine $615,000
Bottle of Stinky Swamp Punch $209,790
Bottle of Mistletoe Madness $205,125
Bottle of Christmas Cocktail $130,436
Bottle of Wicked Witch $125,588
Bottle of Minty Mayhem $124,472
Bottle of Kandy Kane $50,860
Bottle of Pumpkin Brew $50,367
Bottle of Champagne $2,294
Bottle of Sake $1,390
Bottle of Tequila $713
Bottle of Beer $453
Item Name Buy Price
Neumune Tablet $664,480
Ipecac Syrup $38,395
Blood Bag : AB- $21,664
Blood Bag : Irradiated $16,078
Blood Bag : O- $15,241
Blood Bag : B- $14,936
Blood Bag : AB+ $14,436
Item Name Buy Price
Nail Bomb $1,595,818
Serotonin $979,203
Epinephrine $674,236
Tyrosine $450,426
Melatonin $225,568
Glitter Bomb $146,560
Party Popper $104,342
Smoke Grenade $61,887
Tear Gas $38,477
Molotov Cocktail $32,485
Throwing Knife $22,047
Flash Grenade $12,988
Trout $11,376
HEG $11,281
Item Name Buy Price
Chocolate Egg $412,495
Jawbreaker $189,820
Bag of Humbugs $187,500
Pixie Sticks $186,896
Bag of Sherbet $183,472
Bag of Reindeer Droppings $63,554
Pink Easter Egg $63,225
Bag of Chocolate Truffles $62,807
Orange Easter Egg $49,500
Bag of Bloody Eyeballs $34,566
Bag of Tootsie Rolls $33,232
Bag of Candy Kisses $23,806
Big Box of Chocolate Bars $22,924
Supply Pack
Item Name Buy Price
Donator Pack $17,861,998
Keg of Beer $5,524,999
Drug Pack $3,093,536
Box of Medical Supplies $170,420
Billfold $27,808
Item Name Buy Price
Large Suitcase $7,665,744
Windproof Lighter $2,816,535
Medium Suitcase $2,803,121
Balaclava $1,865,625
Office Chair $1,838,468
Megaphone $104,996
Item Name Buy Price
Core Drill $4,950,000
Net $4,875,000
Firewalk Virus $3,823,747
Cemetery Key $3,282,857
Embosser $3,168,748
Core Driller $2,399,998
RF Detector $2,300,000
Metal Detector $2,223,313
Hot Foil Stamper $1,507,513
DSLR Camera $745,249
Card Programmer $695,169
ATM Key $277,250
Police Badge $262,493
Lost and Found Office Key $234,453
Wax Seal Stamp $211,500
Thimble $202,750
Armored Virus $179,975
Stealth Virus $166,028
Perforator $144,791
Window Breaker $128,600
Printer $84,916
Polymorphic Virus $83,680
ID Badge $79,471
Polishing Pad $74,500
Lockpicks $70,568
Skeleton Key $60,207
Tunneling Virus $59,165
Graver $52,498
HPCPU $52,280
Grinding Stone $51,499
Crucible $45,998
Coat Hanger $41,000
Jemmy $37,775
Typewriter $30,177
Heat Sink $23,315
Torn City Times $18,000
Binoculars $16,354
Sewing Kit $10,141
Lump of Coal $9,915
Permanent Marker $7,094
Water Block $6,876
Scissors $5,940
Ladder $5,601
Hand Drill $5,324
Wheelbarrow $5,203
Wire Cutters $5,024
Fountain Pen $3,280
Simple Virus $2,998
Shovel $2,709
Drill $2,249
Computer Fan $1,262
Spy Camera $602
Card Skimmer $594
Laptop $538
Double Cut File $472
PSU $444
Personal Computer $423
CPU $366
Handkerchief $346
Credit Card $274
eCPU $252
Item Name Buy Price
ArmaLite M-15A4 $13,099,996
SIG 552 $3,999,996
Jackhammer $3,074,999
Minigun $1,063,690
M249 SAW $506,000
9mm Uzi $450,519
Tavor TAR-21 $268,636
Enfield SA-80 $156,834
Steyr AUG $55,838
SIG 550 $41,997
Mag 7 $37,422
M16 A2 Rifle $27,202
Heckler & Koch SL8 $26,037
Benelli M4 Super $15,538
AK74U $14,748
Item Name Buy Price
Type 98 Anti Tank $12,682,500
Dual 92G Berettas $4,312,500
Flamethrower $1,891,357
Harpoon $149,231
S&W M29 $123,746
Beretta 92FS $73,088
Qsz-92 $52,346
Cobra Derringer $40,538
BT MP9 $37,498
Desert Eagle $26,798
Magnum $10,630
Blunderbuss $6,759
Fiveseven $4,650
Taser $2,588
Item Name Buy Price
Meat Hook $7,200,000
Flail $5,849,998
Madball $2,999,999
Diamond Bladed Knife $632,372
Scalpel $558,415
Cattle Prod $449,998
Metal Nunchaku $293,749
Yasukuni Sword $142,268
Guandao $112,136
Kodachi $63,750
Macana $63,750
Wushu Double Axes $56,320
Claymore Sword $55,250
Samurai Sword $41,261
Diamond Icicle $34,250
Twin Tiger Hooks $33,650
Rusty Sword $30,082
Kama $29,384
Ice Pick $10,930
Katana $9,750
Chainsaw $7,906
Cricket Bat $7,326
Bone Saw $5,540
Scimitar $3,935
Ninja Claws $3,694
Item Name Buy Price
Motorcycle Helmet $22,925,000
Flexible Body Armor $7,233,095
Liquid Body Armor $3,289,992
Combat Vest $2,449,999
Combat Helmet $2,204,687
Combat Pants $2,063,999
Combat Boots $1,691,664
Combat Gloves $1,493,231
Medieval Helmet $1,038,580
Outer Tactical Vest $522,812
Kevlar Gloves $223,311
WWII Helmet $49,944
Full Body Armor $41,990
Safety Boots $39,744
Bulletproof Vest $21,292
Basic Properties
Item Name Buy Price
Private Island (2000 happiness) $350,000,000
Castle (1500 happiness) $140,000,000
Palace (1000 happiness) $45,500,000
Ranch (600 happiness) $10,500,000
Mansion (500 happiness) $2,100,000
Penthouse (450 happiness) $1,400,000
Villa (400 happiness) $875,000
Chalet (350 happiness) $525,000
Beach House (300 happiness) $350,000
Detached House (200 happiness) $210,000
Semi-Detached House (150 happiness) $52,500
Apartment (125 happiness) $17,500
Trailer (110 happiness) $2,450

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