Revives Listings

Here are all of the players who are selling revives on Torn Exchange with their prices. If you are looking to buy a revive, simply choose a player from the listings below, click on their name and you shall be directed to their profile so that you can send them a message.

Revive for xan
1m or 1 xan
100 Skill HOF Reviver. Reviving for 1.2M success, 500k failure beyond 50% success. Lower-success attempts can be negotiated.
Revives for 800k or an X. Easy peezy.
Reviving for $1mil or 1 xan
Reviving for $1M
800k or 1 xan
Preferably 1m for revives.
Reviving for 800k or 1 xan Also doing Faction revive contracts
Selling Revives. $850K or 1 Xanax. 75+% skill. Payment on successful revive.
Reviving for 1m or xanax
Revives are negotiable, starting at 1mil or 1 xan.
Reviving for $850K / 1 Xanax | Faction Contracts Available!
Reviving for 1 Xanax or 1mil

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