Here's a list of all services that Torn players provide.
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You can click on the service name or select checkbox next to it if you want to search multiple services at once.
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Do you have a business of your own and want to advertise too? Join Torn Exchange and start making your own service list now.
Service: Other
Category: Other
Asking Price: $0
Price in items:
New Unofficial Torn Slots
upon successful attack of target. Logs for proof. Please chat me @KRAZYTANK !
Selling losses (daily/weekly) ngf
Selling trains (weekly/bi-weekly) DM
Per train, can do 5 a day
I Have Extensive Knowledge and Data On Torn Training And Will Invest For you. For a 1-2% return weeky 100k minimum
1 mil or 1 xan
❤️Contect TelaVDofi In Game❤️
buying BB weapons
#14 Highly distinguished Loser, Professional loss seller, quick completion guaranteed.
Service: Discord Administration
Category: Software
Asking Price: $50,000,000
Price in items: 35 xanax a month
One time fee of 6 xanax or 10 mil for setup on first month or service. Afterwards priced as listed.
Starting price is 1mil or 8 xanax and then price will be adjusted based on your needs.
Help with Discord adjusting setting or setting up a bot and anything else just make a request and will see what I can do. Starting price is 1mil or 8 xanax and then price will be adjusted based on your needs.
Starting price is 1mil or 8 xanax and then price will be adjusted based on your needs. New to digital art so am limited on what I can do but we can do a free consult and see if i can help.
Selling losses 425k per loss