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Bulk Item Sourcing. Discuss Price.
basic predictions and betting strategies
high unreliable as my factions doesn't provide rev benefits
Only football. 1 bookie tip: $100,000 3 bookie tips: 275000 5 bookie tips: 450000
Making and hosting Discord bots, price starts at 500m for basic stuff.
Making custom Google Sheets with or without scripts, price negotiable and depends on project size.
Data gathering: Can do custom data gathering and analysis requests, price depends on scale, starts at 100m.
Will give detailed analysis of game. Cost is min $5000, and tips appreciated if you win
Service: Stocks Advice
Category: Torn feature
Asking Price: $5,000
Price in items: 1 Drivers License
Will go over basics of stock and chart reading so you can read stocks yourself
3m/hosp or 2m+ 30% of mug
I can provide 6+ hour hosps
Must be under 1.5m stats
Museum Exchanges
Dm me on torn for prices
Dm me on torn for prices