Here's a list of all services that Torn players provide.
There are two filters: by rating and by service name. You can check multiple services. Clicking checkbox by the category
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You can click on the service name or select checkbox next to it if you want to search multiple services at once.
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Do you have a business of your own and want to advertise too? Join Torn Exchange and start making your own service list now.
System Development
$200,000,000 Per Month
$1,000,000 or Xanax
$650,000 Per Train
$31,000,000 Per Month
Check my thread for details!
Based on complexity, 1m-100m based on complexity. Dm me
Based on complexity, 1m-20m. Dm me
Based on complexity, 1m-100m based on complexity. Dm me
75+% revive skill
Price per train
Making custom Google Sheets with or without scripts, price negotiable and depends on project size.
Professionally done graphics of all kinds at incredibly low prices. GIFs or still image. Still Image for $500,000 or GIF for $1,000,000. DM to inquire.
Just a general information, I wont tell you on what game to bet but I will teach you how to find profitable games